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Exploring The Deck

How does one get from point A to point B? What determines that B is the outcome of the journey and what signifies the space in-between?  The better question might be is it possible to to be present and go form A to evolved A. This is the basis that left us to heavily think about what signifies the relationship we have with our journey, if we have analyzed outside ourselves to remedy whatever transgression, ailment or self harm we are committing in the process as just a format for life or a catalyst to change. If we were to use our own TRUE self guidance or were to find “authenticity” through the standards of a journey led by systems and regiments. One without the other might feel incomplete, knowing that allopathic approaches seem to only remedy so much, a dual system should be common place and coexist as you peruse whatever further one's exploration into the self and its complexities.
Having a therapeutic foundation and development coexist with the power of myth, symbolism, antique philosophy, and artistic expression can restore health as can also de-compartmentalize existential and emotional upheavals. While the deck serves most of the ephemeral soul evolution to honor the one progressing through sobering types of transformation, we have a companion resource that helps distinguish the psychological / therapeutic representation of a journey into anew.  We find purpose and place for this to be in the arena that peruses development of intuitive intellect with symptom analysis harnessing reflective self awareness, as we hope you do as well.

Stories either can be shared or created, as a creative director / designer, a main objective in any art piece I conceptualize is to inject as much context to develop a conscious and subconscious vernacular to exhibit a dimension of non lateral thought, but a linear development of story that becomes constructed on behalf of the viewer. Addressing this in SLATE DECK is one of the most deeply compelling points of intersection of what story can create and what happens when only one party experiences it. As we create and unearth the story within we get to rewrite the story we tell, ultimately giving power to the present and releasing it from the past.


The Tarot has a very significant impression on the evolution of SLATE DECK but also my own personal development. While symbolism is a huge factor, addressing this and allegory with a framework helps organize and deepen something that would otherwise be quite broad. Addressing a balance between structure and openhandedness while one is in a place of searching, seemed to be a suiting fit when conceptualizing this portion of the project. So we came up with an in-depth format that would steer/guide the user into a state where visual and mental cueing could lead their narrative but keep them available to cultivate their own, and explore into pathways suggested yet with out boundary.


When diving deep into the unconscious, and excavating the inner truths we find that the value of our own personal relationship might be disowned.  Who better to discover this than the one astray.

Deck Components

| 78 Card Deck

White images against black provides a stark contrast, like most experiences worth investigating. The almost engraved appearance of each image suggests the memorialization of each symbol while allowing the transparency and its decontextualized nature to coexist harmoniously. The bridge between design and philosophy is remedied by a set of three signifiers. The (set) which is referenced as the three keys holds the guiding proposition of inquiry that the card requests into full deconstruction.  Carefully honed associations of information and symbols sits harmonious on a thick, luscious linen card stock, accented with textural spot UV gloss raised printing to give a tactile / physical mapping that the unconscious and the hands can use to integrate while shuffling cards. Complemented with a stylish matte black container and 150 page companion manual, SLATE DECK finds itself strong and reverent from its point of conception to the finishing.

| Twin Companion

The 12 Twin Companion cards, showcases one of the strongest elements that the deck offers, accountability and connection to become a bridge from separation and insulation.  Isolation in any measure can contribute a very large pain body while one is soul searching.  Community based organizations recognize this and offer support groups, accountability partners and sponsorship.


We find this to be a blessing, yet we also know that this is a very large leap if one was not sure if they wanted to fully commit or even if it is necessary.  Thus we have installed these 12 ACTIVATION cards to inspire and call for connection in a way that the reader could comfortably associate and intuitively drive a conversation.  An icebreaker and a gift that will render a gesture of vulnerability.  If used, they will inspire focus and transparency that’s associated with their question/instruction at heart, establishing  a deeper commitment to themselves, and now others.  A tether to others is one of the most securing components to SLATE DECK.

| Alchemy Cards

Included in the 78 Individuation cards, are 7 that dedicated to the alchemical narrative. The process of breaking down, extracting and reconstituting the soul/self are fleshed out in 7 dedicated steps and referenced in 7 cards. Calcination, dissolution, separation, conjunction, fermentation, distillation and coagulation become the key mantras in metaphor to actualization. The objective is to accelerate and harness the purification of the intrinsic spirit through a cuing system

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Nasser Mohamed, MD

"Christopher brings a collection of provocative thoughts and relatable concepts. They provide an opportunity for self reflection and encourage shifting the locus of control internally to have a solution-oriented approach to different emotions and thought processes."
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